Monday, October 24, 2011

Stay in health care or go to the infirmary?

Those who have worked in the profession of physician assistant for some years often wonder whether to continue and become a nurse or continue in the medical field of assistance for less salary earned in nursing. Not in vain, many choose to stay, not for the money (there is a big difference between the salaries of the physician assistant and nurse), but due to the strong relationships have forged with physicians, other health and officials with their patients, which is almost always in the long term.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Reason for obtaining a Diploma of physician's Assistant

"I've noticed that there are a large number of medical assistants who are unemployed due to lack of certification and skills obsolete!"In an effort to document the achievements of learning for students of secondary and adult vocational programs full-time, claims to receive standards developing skills for occupations which based their professional training programs. These standards are the basis for the evaluation of student entry level skills, as well as employability skills that are generic for all occupations. The documentation of these abilities, for example. through evidence standardized competition, written examinations and an internship or externship offers graduates of vocational training with a diploma programme to present to potential employers, thereby increasing their ability to obtain employment. Medical assistants who have obtained a diploma of medical assistant may move successfully a job to another as required by developments in the competitive market.