Sunday, August 28, 2011

Physician Assistant special report online training: extreme caution!

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Thursday, August 25, 2011

I am only a cheap nurse at a clinic?

I am only a cheap nurse at a clinic?
The other day a medical assistant certificate said us the following (with a sigh):

"I've been a certificate MA three years ago and I enjoy it." I have discussed in back to school for my RN, but I have changed my opinion several times taking into account my age, duration and the cost of the school and, ultimately, the luxury of having weekends and holidays off. I have, I accepted the fact that I am a nurse "cheap" for a doctor's Office, however, these few benefits appear to justify the demands of the task.  I am in the field of Pediatrics for what you can imagine the chaos and the 'cash cow' rhythm get screaming children's entry and exit in time and form as the owner of office has its share of children.  Painful, but it is a job. "Sometimes I feel undervalued and overwork."

I would like to have a dollar for every physician assistant who tells me that you one of their main complaints is the relatively low salaries that receive. They feel that their salary is very low so it makes, which is frustrating for them. If a medical assistant says: "No am happy with my salary!" I cannot help but ask: "is how much they make and could be something that is holding back him?" Then, I suggest... My extreme sound, but as in any field of medical assistant salary is commensurate with the level of the individual's education, training, certification and years of experience. I can not emphasize enough: in this case often medical employers selected suitable candidates not only by their training and skill level, but also by how much (or should I say, what bit) are able to leave with pay them.
National average wage (2008) = $13.60 per hour
Employment (2006) = 417,000 employees
Projected growth (2006-2016) = much faster than the average (21% or higher)
Projected the need (2006-2016) = 199,000 additional employees

Source: Bureau of labour statistics 2008 employment projections wage data 2006-2016

Medical assistants must realize: when it comes to their remuneration is not defenseless! Or the situation is desperate. Many ask: "How can I compete with the rest and prove that I am the most qualified candidate for the post during the job interview?" While you may not (but) with years of experience in the belt, no doubt proved that they are serious and dedicated to their profession and future to become a physician assistant in the first place if you've won a diploma of medical assistant in a program of formal training, and then more power you! After all, if you have credentials (if you took a recognized national certification exam), practical experience and solid training, so it has an advantage when it comes to wages, better start positions and obtain promotions - simply by having you differs from the rest. Of course, you will also have a valuable tool to negotiate during the job interview.

Here are more tips on how undervalued medical assistants can use their credentials and expertise to pave the way for better pay.

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Reason for obtaining a Diploma of physician's Assistant

"I've noticed that there are a large number of medical assistants who are unemployed due to lack of certification and skills obsolete!"In an effort to document the achievements of learning for students of secondary and adult vocational programs full-time, claims to receive standards developing skills for occupations which based their professional training programs. These standards are the basis for the evaluation of student entry level skills, as well as employability skills that are generic for all occupations. The documentation of these abilities, for example. through evidence standardized competition, written examinations and an internship or externship offers graduates of vocational training with a diploma programme to present to potential employers, thereby increasing their ability to obtain employment. Medical assistants who have obtained a diploma of medical assistant may move successfully a job to another as required by developments in the competitive market.

Monday, August 15, 2011

Difference between physician assistant and nurse work plan

An Assistant physician work hours different, usually in first turn, 8 to 5 PM and rarely in week or holidays weekends, some people think are best hours for parents. Nurses working different shifts throughout the day. Some throwing doubles and must normally work on weekends and holidays, for the less some.

Medical assistants are used in different capacities in administration, laboratory or clinical areas, depending on the specific needs of the Office. Very small family practices can have the hope that the Medical Assistant covers all areas, front and back. Often they specialize in Pediatrics, general medicine, gynaecology, dermatology, rheumatology, Podiatry, or ophthalmology, etc.! Check the jobs in your area to see what hire physician assistants and facing LPN jobs and for what kind of areas. While it may not be applied to all positions is possible that the expectations, duties and responsibilities are generally the same medical assistants and LPNs when medical offices recruited to his staff.

Other significant differences:

• wages
• hours
• functions
• responsibilities
• scope of practice
• monitoring

Medical assistants are often preferred by physicians in private or group practices, because they are more profitable than the RN or LPN; but another and then again, every discipline has its specific place and used in different areas. More on "Medical Assistant vs LPN or RN" click on the link.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Consideration of ability to physician's Assistant

Dedicated to students of Medical Assistant, medical assistants, their instructors and supervisors work. Maintained by r. Danni, a former Medical Assistant certified, which also published the Web site with a Web Forum of the community of active Medical Assistant open to all medical assistants.

Monday, August 8, 2011

Medical Assistant job interview survival tips

They possess the appropriate combination of credibility, training and experience leads to opportunities. Surviving the job interview he opens the door! We present our best tips for job seekers and professionals.

This follow-up advice and will be gold:

That you want!
They possess the appropriate combination of credibility, training and experience leads to opportunities. Surviving the job interview he opens the door! Staying ahead of the curve by presenting yourself as a reliable and professional member with knowledge of the Office of medical health care team. But given that since the "value" is subjective, will have to support your claim with purpose, made statements and documentation.

Don't be shy!
If you can show during the interview that you are the most qualified candidate simplifies the process of selection of those who make the decisions. But at the same time, be careful, hard, because interviewers expect to prove its claim. Thus, rather than talking about how to add value to your Office has documentation that supports your claim with you and readily available.

They are told their qualifications
I am not saying it is a great asset for your organization, because her mother worked in a similar field for 30 years. On the other hand, inform them of their traits and qualities more important for them in a medical office environment...

Traits that matter...
• High standards
• Attention to detail
• Ability to analyze
• Effectiveness
• Reliability
• Integrity
• Persistence

• Enthusiasm
• Ability to listen
• Communication skills
• Flexibility
• Work in team

Show them that seriously!
You will have to convince to present their knowledge and skills will provide real value and benefits for your business. Prove their best qualities, show them that you mean what you say. Remove the "secret weapon" and submit the following documentation to decision making in the room:

Resume (a detailed description of their achievements and experience) Diploma from an accredited medical assistant (MA program) school letter of recommendation (previous employers, voluntary supervisors) makes reference to professional certification (individuals in your community, companies or organizations) (credentials of tests) now think!
Why not want hire a medical assistant as you? Do the task, which is why we trust. If does it not more suitable to fight internally and blank out.

? Advanced Medical Assistant Custom Web Design, LLC

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Medical attendants to be stationed in rural clinics

Friday, July 9, 2010
News on online

SEPANG: Medical assistants are stationed in all rural clinics for the convenience of patients in the area, said the Minister of health Datuk Seri Liow Tiong Lai of China. Liow said that improvement of 2,000 rural clinics at the national level, currently run by the community nurses, would be done in stages, but will take time to place an Assistant physician in each one of them.

"Count on medical assistants in rural clinics would mean that patients in the area and would not have to travel far to find treatment for minor such as influenza, fever or cough problems," he said.


In reading this article I want to know immediately what could be the role and scope of practice for physician assistants in China. The article said that rural clinics are run by the community nurses. Therefore, the article seems to imply that there is no necessarily doctors at all, if not any of the clinics, then, if turn this thought into more, put nurses in charge of medical assistants newly hired there. Interesting and a little different from the role and supervision of medical assistants in United States. = / 2010/7/9/Nation/6635241 & SEC = Nation