Thursday, September 29, 2011

Job interview: Physician Assistant of home work of

Five years is a long time. Better broken into two types of objectives: short and long term.

Brief examples:

1 apply my skills in all areas of the Medical Office (front and back)
2 sit for the national certification exam in (enter a date/month)
3 work closely with the doctor and the medical office staff gain valuable experience

Long examples:

1. stay current professional memberships, workshops and seminars
2. Locate the opportunity to rise within the Organization
3 learn everything what can be on the profession eventually return to the University (for example, to get my title, or become an RN)

Monday, September 26, 2011

New! Review of skills and important concepts of medical Office!

We offer a creative look behind the scenes of a busy medical practice. The purpose is to help you assess your knowledge and skills and more successful in his chosen career.

Our promise to help you:

Locate a physician assistant for you good school nearby
Search best online physician assistant training programs
Understanding the Medical Office of important concepts and skills

The function of medical assistant as part of the central health team is becoming increasingly important and the demands of their knowledge and skills are growing rapidly. Employers and employment agencies are screaming most qualified front and office support staff and are willing to hire medical assistants trained for positions available in clinical and administrative areas. Therefore, new medical assistants must take every opportunity to improve, consolidate and promote their knowledge and skills to remain competitive and efficient in our modern and rapid progress in health care system.

The aim is to present the multidisciplinary aspects of physician assistant functions and strengthen basic theories and concepts taught in a school of physician assistant, with special emphasis on issues that usually occur on a daily basis in a busy medical practice. Organizational skills and clinical, for control of infection, to administrative responsibilities, such as record-keeping doctors and management... each lesson highlights important skills you should be aware of the physician assistant.


1. Concepts of health and disease

2 Charter of rights and responsibilities of patients

3. Main elements of professional practice

4. The concept of professional ethics

5. A health care professional important personality traits

6. The factors that may affect interpersonal relationships

7. Communication techniques used in an environment of health care

It is of vital importance that the Medical Assistant knows the laws of the applicable state, local rules of practice and also acquire a good idea on skills and knowledge over the basic procedures for patients and philosophies. These skills can also include assistance with procedures for emergency, small surgery, patient education, regulation of health insurance and the terminal ill patient concerns! The right to learn and master different skills provide a solid base grow as a physician assistant in a modern health system.

8. Recognizing the importance of patient education

9. Policies relating to the consent to receive medical treatment, incident reports, and the release of medical information

10. Reporting and evaluation adequate patient care procedures

11. A patient physician needs assessment

12 It is emergency outpatient care for patients

13. The needs of a surgical patient during preoperative and postoperative treatment stages

14 Assess the needs of the Orthopedic patient...

And much more.

15 Customs and procedures for the application of dressings and bandages

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Medical attendants to be stationed in rural clinics

Friday, July 9, 2010
News on online

SEPANG: Medical assistants are stationed in all rural clinics for the convenience of patients in the area, said the Minister of health Datuk Seri Liow Tiong Lai of China. Liow said that improvement of 2,000 rural clinics at the national level, currently run by the community nurses, would be done in stages, but will take time to place an Assistant physician in each one of them.

"Count on medical assistants in rural clinics would mean that patients in the area and would not have to travel far to find treatment for minor such as influenza, fever or cough problems," he said.


In reading this article I want to know immediately what could be the role and scope of practice for physician assistants in China. The article said that rural clinics are run by the community nurses. Therefore, the article seems to imply that there is no necessarily doctors at all, if not any of the clinics, then, if turn this thought into more, put nurses in charge of medical assistants newly hired there. Interesting and a little different from the role and supervision of medical assistants in United States. = / 2010/7/9/Nation/6635241 & SEC = Nation

Friday, September 16, 2011

Physician assistant training

Medical assistant training programs vary. Assistant medical further training can be completed quickly in a college or career school in that city. If you are looking for in the classroom learning, morning or evening classes or online courses to meet your busy schedule help finding the right physician assistant training program that leads to the desired certified medical assistant diplomas right here. Find physician assistant training near you fill in the form of search of the school. You can navigate through schools of vocational training in your area, explore various avenues of training and request more information from the institutions you are interested.

Monday, September 12, 2011

Physicians assistants need continuing education?

Most certified professionals are required by industry standards to maintain their current credentials through annual continuing education (CEU) units. Medical assistants needed CEUs to maintain your certification status.  Medical assistants, who want to maintain their current certification status must document that they have taken approved continuing education courses and submit transcripts to your professional association, or sponsor the certification body to be adopted.  The themes of the CEU must apply to the extent of the practice of the discipline of the Medical Assistant and must be current.
Participating in programs of continuing education and workshops, while certification is still active shows that the person is serious about his career and has a proactive interest in their future.

No certified medical assistants also benefit greatly from participate in continuing education programs, continuing education courses-related topic are an effective means of keeping skills and knowledge for any professional, certified or not. Also, continuing education makes miracles for the resumption, as it is a form accepted for professional knowledge, skills and abilities.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Question: what medical assistant is best?

Every year thousands of physician assistants new and experienced to apply for jobs to display potential employers reliable of their education, training, knowledge and skills documentation, despite the fact that not every highly trained and qualified medical assistant is always certified.

More employers now expect 1-3 years of work experience and certifications, are reluctant to hire either. Does however, certification automatically mean that a physician assistant is better than another? For example, it is a recent graduate of a school of physician assistant-certified best qualified an applicant received her medical care and training of first aid in the army, which has worked in the field of health for many consecutive years without ever getting certified?

Comment please! What Medical Assistant you think is best?

Friday, September 2, 2011

Medical Assistant career Outlook

Okay, we have heard again and again: your health care provider will be one of the occupational health services more rapid growth in United States until the year 2010. And guess what? It is true!

Recent analysis of trends in labour market of United States
Use of health care has increased by 264,000 jobs in the year 2005, according to a statement of 2 September 2005 BLS Commissioner Kathleen p. Utgoff.

Medical Assistant Outlook
Medical assistants held about 365,000 jobs in 2002. Sixty percent worked in offices of physicians; 15 per cent work in hospitals, including in - and outpatient care facilities. The rest were employed in homes for the elderly, offices of other health professionals and other health services.

Reading: US Department of labor

Bureau of Labor Statistics for physician assistants we:
Currently, around 12 million people working in the healthcare industry in the United States, which includes approximately 800,000 physicians in ambulatory (primary), secondary (specialty) and tertiary care, with 2.1 million medical RN and 500,000 attendees. He is expected that the medical assistants need to continue to grow.

Medical assistants are on the move!
Medical assistants are in each direction. Their training may qualify for a variety of other occupations of administrative support such as employee medical records or medical billing and coding specialist. Some can become medical assistance instructors, while others may continue their education and work to a degree associate in health care.

There are many job opportunities for medical assistants and work more places than only the offices of the doctor. Medical assistants can work...
Medical offices (private and group practices) specialty and subspecialty offices (ophthalmology, Podiatry) General medical and surgical hospitalsOffices for professionals in health and the medical property of licensed health care outpatient centersOther practitionersOutpatient medical services (e.g. emergency services)

Others are working with...

AgenciesSchoolsRehab health clinics of House agencies outpatient hemodialysis personal clinicsTemporary and spasCorrectional facilities and prison PharmaciesChiropractors, dentists or veterinariansUS Department of Veterans Affairs

Income from Medical Assistant:
Range of salaries of physician assistant studies indicate that the average monthly salary for assistants medical entry level currently range from $1,600 to $1760 net per month, compared with a range of $1,500 to 1,600 dollars net three years ago.

After two years of experience average monthly salaries between $1,900 and $2,200 net; mostly depending on where you live and what kind of doctor. Specialists pay more than in General for family practitioners.

Medical assistants usually receive higher wages and more benefits than those not certification credentials.Clinics of physicians in practice with private HospitalSingle, especially specialty doctors often pay more than hospitals.

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