Friday, September 2, 2011

Medical Assistant career Outlook

Okay, we have heard again and again: your health care provider will be one of the occupational health services more rapid growth in United States until the year 2010. And guess what? It is true!

Recent analysis of trends in labour market of United States
Use of health care has increased by 264,000 jobs in the year 2005, according to a statement of 2 September 2005 BLS Commissioner Kathleen p. Utgoff.

Medical Assistant Outlook
Medical assistants held about 365,000 jobs in 2002. Sixty percent worked in offices of physicians; 15 per cent work in hospitals, including in - and outpatient care facilities. The rest were employed in homes for the elderly, offices of other health professionals and other health services.

Reading: US Department of labor

Bureau of Labor Statistics for physician assistants we:
Currently, around 12 million people working in the healthcare industry in the United States, which includes approximately 800,000 physicians in ambulatory (primary), secondary (specialty) and tertiary care, with 2.1 million medical RN and 500,000 attendees. He is expected that the medical assistants need to continue to grow.

Medical assistants are on the move!
Medical assistants are in each direction. Their training may qualify for a variety of other occupations of administrative support such as employee medical records or medical billing and coding specialist. Some can become medical assistance instructors, while others may continue their education and work to a degree associate in health care.

There are many job opportunities for medical assistants and work more places than only the offices of the doctor. Medical assistants can work...
Medical offices (private and group practices) specialty and subspecialty offices (ophthalmology, Podiatry) General medical and surgical hospitalsOffices for professionals in health and the medical property of licensed health care outpatient centersOther practitionersOutpatient medical services (e.g. emergency services)

Others are working with...

AgenciesSchoolsRehab health clinics of House agencies outpatient hemodialysis personal clinicsTemporary and spasCorrectional facilities and prison PharmaciesChiropractors, dentists or veterinariansUS Department of Veterans Affairs

Income from Medical Assistant:
Range of salaries of physician assistant studies indicate that the average monthly salary for assistants medical entry level currently range from $1,600 to $1760 net per month, compared with a range of $1,500 to 1,600 dollars net three years ago.

After two years of experience average monthly salaries between $1,900 and $2,200 net; mostly depending on where you live and what kind of doctor. Specialists pay more than in General for family practitioners.

Medical assistants usually receive higher wages and more benefits than those not certification credentials.Clinics of physicians in practice with private HospitalSingle, especially specialty doctors often pay more than hospitals.

? 2007 Advanced Medical Assistant Custom Web Design, LLC

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